Young Voices
Class: Class 11 (Year 5) Year: 2019-2020
Last Friday, the School Choir (consisting of 40 children) went to the MEN arena to perform as part of the ‘Young Voices’ concert. It was an incredible event which provided many emotional and magical moments! The children were joined by nearly 6000 other children from other schools, plus Tony Hadley as a special guest!
The children behaved superbly and were a credit to the school. Over the past few months they have learnt many songs in their own time and given up many lunchtimes in order to practise. Hopefully it will be an experience they never forget! Well done Lowton West Choir! Many thanks to Mrs Cooke, Mrs Culver and Miss Larsen for preparing the children for this event and to Mr Rigby and Mrs Higgens for helping out on the evening. Thank you to the Friends for paying towards the trip.