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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Lowton West Primary School


Welcome to our SEND information page. Hopefully you will find everything that you need.  We are continually adding and updating information about SEND on our website.  

If you would like to discuss SEND in more detail, please contact Mrs Gould – our school SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) to arrange an appointment on 01942 724 865

Should any of our families require an enlarged paper copy of our SEND Information Report or support in reading and accessing this report please contact the school office.


Other useful information:

The Wigan Authority Local Offer for Special educational needs and disability can be found at

You can learn more about the Graduated Approach for SEND by clicking on the Wigan's link below:


Autism and the ASC Pathway Service

What is Autism?
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. Current statistics show that one in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children diagnosed in the UK.
What should I do if I have concerns about Autism?
If you have any questions regarding Autism there is very useful information on the National Autistic Society website and information and support through the Wigan Council Local Offer pages.

If you have any concerns about Autism, you are welcome to speak to your child's class teacher or the school's SENCO before contacting your GP or other health professional to request an assessment.

Wigan's Neurodevelopment Pathway work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

The children’s school aged neurodevelopment pathway is managed by Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching NHS Trust within the Childrens Community Specialist Services and is overseen by the Neurodevelopment Pathway Manager.

The service is delivered across the Wigan Borough and will accept referrals to the pathway for children and young people who are aged from 4 to 16 years old.

You will find further information at the link below:

WWL Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | School Aged Neurodevelopment Pathway for Autism.


What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.

The 3 categories of symptoms of ADHD include the following:
  • Inattention: Short attention span for age (difficulty sustaining attention). They have trouble focusing their attention, concentrating, and staying on task. They may not listen well to directions, may miss important details, and may not finish what they start. They may daydream or dawdle too much. They may seem absent-minded or forgetful, and lose track of their things.
  • Impulsivity: Children who are impulsive act too quickly before thinking. They often interrupt, might push or grab, and find it hard to wait. They may do things without asking for permission, take things that aren't theirs, or act in ways that are risky. They may have emotional reactions that seem too intense for the situation.
  • Hyperactivity: Seems to be in constant motion; runs or climbs, at times with no apparent goal except motion. They may have trouble sitting still, or staying quiet when needed. They may rush through things and make careless mistakes. They may climb, jump, or run when they shouldn't. Without meaning to, they may act in ways that disrupt others.

Further information is available on the NHS website: 

If you have any concerns about ADHD, you are welcome to speak to your child's class teacher or the school's SENCO before contacting your GP to request an assessment.


Occupational Therapy Service 

The Occupational Therapy Service offers specialist assessment and intervention to enable and maximise the potential for children to engage in their daily living activities (occupations). Children are sometimes referred to the Occupational Therapy Service in order to support their academic learning, behaviour & independence skills. Specialist areas of provision include:

  • Sensory Processing and Sensory Sensitivities
  • Sensory Strategies
  • Motor Co-ordination Difficulties
  • Fine Motor skills, including handwriting
  • Developmental Delay
  • Neurological conditions
  • Autistic Spectrum Conditions
  • Neuromuscular conditions
  • Rehabilitation for children and young people following injury/accident
  • Hospital discharge planning

Further information can be found by visiting the Occupational Therapy Service website: 


Speech and Language Therapy Service

The ability to communicate clearly and confidently and understand others is at the heart of all aspects of a child's learning. School work very closely with the Children's Speech and Language Therapy Team in order to ensure families and school staff develop strategies that they can use to support a child’s communication development in all aspects of home and school life.

In many cases the therapist will not work directly with the child but will focus on developing the skills of parents, teachers and carers. Pre-school and school aged children with speech and language difficulties at a level requiring speech and language therapy input will have an individual education plan or Learner profile written by their class teacher. The speech and language therapist will provide input into this plan as required. This may be through advice on broad strategies or specific tasks to be rehearsed and practiced daily by parents and staff.  The speech and language therapist will monitor the child’s progress and adjust the programme to reflect the child’s changing needs.

Further information on the Speech and Language Therapy Service can be found on their website: 


SENDIASS – Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support Service

SENDIASS offer, impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people 0-25 years who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)

Telephone 01942 233 323

Or get in touch by either calling on: 07776 599890, 07551 024929 or message via the SENDIASS Facebook page


Embrace - Wigan and Leigh

Offering advice and support for people with disabilities and their familes including behaviour support, family support, out of school activities. 

Telephone 01942 233 323 or email

Platt Bridge Community Zone, 81 Ribble Road, Platt Bridge Wigan WN2 5EG


School Nursing Service

The School Nurse Service supports children and young people (5-19 years) who attend a Wigan Borough school or live in Wigan Borough and are educated at home. 

The team co-ordinate and deliver the Healthy Child Programme for the Wigan Borough addressing;

- Prevention and Early Intervention

- Public Health issues such as Obesity, Substance Misuse and Sexual Health

- General Health Screening

- Support around Emotional Health and Well-being

Further information is available by following the link below:

WWL Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | School Nursing



Further information on support and advice for parents and carers can be found in the Parental Information section of the website: Support for Parents and Carers






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