Diary Dates
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Please find below some important diary dates for the academic year 2024/2025
These dates will also be added to the calendar on the school website for ease of reference.
Monday 28th October |
School re-opens and children return to school |
Wednesday 6th November |
Open Evening for Reception 2025 parents at 5.30pm |
Monday 11th November |
Y3/Y4 Friends Cinema Club |
Tuesday 12th November |
Open Morning for Reception 2025 parents at 9.15am |
Friday 15th November |
Children in Need Day |
Tuesday 19th November |
Y1 History Alive Workshop |
Friday 22nd November |
Individual Photographs am |
Monday 25th November |
Parents’ Evening Week 1 (dates to be confirmed) |
Tuesday 26th November |
Y5 History Alive Workshop |
Thursday 28th November |
Y4 Cineworld Trip |
Monday 2nd December |
Parents’ Evening Week 2 (dates to be confirmed) |
Monday 2nd December |
Y1 Theatre trip |
Tuesday 3rd December |
Y1 Carol Concert 2.00pm |
Thursday 5th December |
Reception Carol Concert at 9.15am |
Friday 6th December |
Christmas Jumper Day and Santa Dash |
Monday 9th December |
Y5 Christmas Party |
Tuesday 10th December |
Y6 trip to Bolton Octagon Theatre |
Wednesday 11th Dec |
Y3/Y5 Christmas Carols Concert - 9.15am to 10.00am |
Wednesday 11th Dec |
Y4/Y6 Christmas Carols Concert - 2.15pm to 3.00pm |
Thursday 12th December |
Christmas Dinner Day |
Friday 13th December |
Y6 Broadmead Christmas Carols |
Friday 13th December |
Y3 /Y6 Christmas Party |
Tuesday 17th December |
Reception trip to Bolton Octagon Theatre am |
Tuesday 17th December |
Year 2 Carol Concert at 1.15pm |
Wednesday 18th Dec |
Year 2 Carol Concert at 6.00pm |
Thursday 19th December |
Y1/Y4 Christmas Party |
Friday 20th December |
Reception / Y2 Christmas Party |
Friday 20th December |
School Closes for half term |
Monday 6th January 2025 |
Staff Training Day |
Tuesday 7th January |
Children return to school – Spring term |
Monday 20th January |
Healthy Workshops |
Tuesday 21st January |
Healthy Workshops |
Wednesday 22nd January |
Healthy Workshops |
Monday 27th January |
Friends Association: Entertainer for Infants 3.15pm to 4.30pm |
Monday 3rd February |
Y3/Y4 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm |
Thursday 6th February |
Reception Leyland Transport Museum |
Friday 7th February |
Y6 Young Voices |
Monday 10th February |
Y5/Y6 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm |
Friday 14th February |
School Closes for half term |
Monday 24th February |
School re-opens and children return to school |
Monday 3rd March |
Parents’ Evening Week 1 (dates to be confirmed) |
Thursday 6th March |
World Book Day |
Friday 7th March |
Infants Coffee Morning (Friends Association) am |
Monday 10th March |
Parents’ Evening Week 2 (dates to be confirmed) |
Tuesday 11th March |
Y4 Liverpool Philharmonic |
Wednesday 12th March |
Y3 Theatre Trip |
Wednesday 12th March |
Y5 - Class 11 trip to Wigan Museum |
Thursday 13th March |
Y5 – Class 12 trip to Wigan Museum |
Friday 14th March |
Junior Coffee Morning (Freinds Association) am |
Friday 21st March |
Red Nose Day |
Thursday 3rd April |
Y1 Blackpool Zoo |
Thursday 10th April |
School Closes for Easter Break |
Tuesday 22nd April |
INSET Day (Staff only) |
Wednesday 23rd April |
School re-opens and children return to school for the Summer term |
Thursday 24th April |
Y5/Y6 Puberty Parent Session |
Monday 28th April |
Friends Association: Entertainer for Infants 3.00 to 4.30pm |
Monday 5th May |
School closed – Bank Holiday |
Tuesday 6th May |
Y4 Birds of Prey trip |
Tuesday 6th May |
Y5 Girls’ PSHE session |
Wednesday 7th May |
Y5 Boys’ PSHE session |
Monday 12th May |
KS2 SATs Week (Monday to Thursday) |
Monday 19th May |
Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip |
Tuesday 20th May |
Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip |
Wednesday 21st May |
Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip |
Friday 23rd May |
Y6 Coffee Morning (Friends Association) at 9.00am |
Friday 23rd May |
School closes for Whit break |
Monday 9th June |
School re-opens and children return to school |
Monday 16th June |
Y3/4 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm |
Thursday 19th June |
New Intake Meeting for New Reception September 2025 at 5.30pm |
Monday 23rd June |
Class Photographs |
Tuesday 24th June |
Y5 trip to Haigh Hall |
Wednesday 25th June |
Y3 trip to Tatton Park |
Thursday 26th June |
Y2 trip to Martin Mere |
Friday 27th June |
Y6 Primary Transition Day at Golborne High School |
Monday 30th June |
Y5/6 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm |
Tuesday 1st July |
Infant Sports Day at 1.15pm |
Thursday 3rd July |
Infant Reserve Sports Day at 1.15pm |
Tuesday 8th July |
Junior Sports Day at 1.30pm |
Wednesday 9th July |
Reception Windmill Farm Trip |
Thursday 10th July |
Junior Reserve Sports Day at 1.30pm |
Monday 14th July |
Y6 Leavers’ Disco at 6.00pm to 7.45pm |
Thursday 17th July |
Y6 Leavers’ Assembly at 1.15pm |
Friday 18th July |
School closes for Summer Break at the normal time |
NB: *Diary dates are subject to change
Yours sincerely,
Mrs J. Westhead Headteacher