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Diary Dates

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Please find below some important diary dates for the academic year 2024/2025

These dates will also be added to the calendar on the school website for ease of reference.

Monday 28th October

School re-opens and children return to school

Wednesday 6th November

 Open Evening for Reception 2025 parents at 5.30pm

Monday 11th November

Y3/Y4 Friends Cinema Club

Tuesday 12th November

Open Morning for Reception 2025 parents at 9.15am

Friday 15th November

Children in Need Day

Tuesday 19th November

Y1 History Alive Workshop

Friday 22nd November

Individual Photographs am

Monday 25th November

Parents’ Evening Week 1 (dates to be confirmed)

Tuesday 26th November

Y5 History Alive Workshop

Thursday 28th November

Y4 Cineworld Trip

Monday 2nd December

Parents’ Evening Week 2 (dates to be confirmed)

Monday 2nd December

Y1 Theatre trip

Tuesday 3rd December

Y1 Carol Concert 2.00pm

Thursday 5th December

Reception Carol Concert at 9.15am

Friday 6th December

Christmas Jumper Day and Santa Dash

Monday 9th December

Y5 Christmas Party

Tuesday 10th December

Y6 trip to Bolton Octagon Theatre

Wednesday 11th Dec

Y3/Y5 Christmas Carols Concert - 9.15am to 10.00am

Wednesday 11th Dec

Y4/Y6 Christmas Carols Concert - 2.15pm to 3.00pm

Thursday 12th December

Christmas Dinner Day

Friday 13th December

Y6 Broadmead Christmas Carols

Friday 13th December

Y3 /Y6 Christmas Party

Tuesday 17th December

Reception trip to Bolton Octagon Theatre am

Tuesday 17th December

Year 2 Carol Concert at 1.15pm

Wednesday 18th Dec

Year 2 Carol Concert at 6.00pm

Thursday 19th December

Y1/Y4 Christmas Party

Friday 20th December

Reception / Y2 Christmas Party

Friday 20th December

School Closes for half term

Monday 6th January 2025

Staff Training Day

Tuesday 7th January

Children return to school – Spring term

Monday 20th January

Healthy Workshops

Tuesday 21st January

Healthy Workshops

Wednesday 22nd January

Healthy Workshops

Monday 27th January

Friends Association: Entertainer for Infants 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Monday 3rd February

Y3/Y4 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Thursday 6th February

Reception Leyland Transport Museum

Friday 7th February

Y6 Young Voices

Monday 10th February

Y5/Y6 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Friday 14th February

School Closes for half term

Monday 24th February

School re-opens and children return to school

Monday 3rd March

Parents’ Evening Week 1 (dates to be confirmed)

Thursday 6th March

World Book Day

Friday 7th March

Infants Coffee Morning (Friends Association) am

Monday 10th March

Parents’ Evening Week 2 (dates to be confirmed)

Tuesday 11th March

Y4 Liverpool Philharmonic

Wednesday 12th March

Y3 Theatre Trip

Wednesday 12th March

Y5 - Class 11 trip to Wigan Museum

Thursday 13th March

Y5 – Class 12 trip to Wigan Museum

Friday 14th March

Junior Coffee Morning (Freinds Association) am 

Friday 21st  March

Red Nose Day 

Thursday 3rd April

Y1 Blackpool Zoo

Thursday 10th April

School Closes for Easter Break

Tuesday 22nd April

INSET Day (Staff only)

Wednesday 23rd April

School re-opens and children return to school for the Summer term

Thursday 24th April

Y5/Y6 Puberty Parent Session

Monday 28th April

Friends Association: Entertainer for Infants 3.00 to 4.30pm

Monday 5th May

School closed – Bank Holiday

Tuesday 6th May

Y4 Birds of Prey trip

Tuesday 6th May

Y5 Girls’ PSHE session

Wednesday 7th May

Y5 Boys’ PSHE session

Monday 12th May

KS2 SATs Week (Monday to Thursday)

Monday 19th May

Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip

Tuesday 20th May

Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip

Wednesday 21st May

Y6 Robinwood Residential Trip

Friday 23rd May

Y6 Coffee Morning (Friends Association) at 9.00am

Friday 23rd May

School closes for Whit break

Monday 9th June

School re-opens and children return to school

Monday 16th June

Y3/4 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Thursday 19th June

New Intake Meeting for New Reception September 2025 at 5.30pm

Monday 23rd June

Class Photographs

Tuesday 24th June

Y5 trip to Haigh Hall

Wednesday 25th June

Y3 trip to Tatton Park

Thursday 26th June

Y2 trip to Martin Mere

Friday 27th June

Y6 Primary Transition Day at Golborne High School

Monday 30th June

Y5/6 Friends Association Disco at 3.15pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday 1st July

Infant Sports Day at 1.15pm

Thursday 3rd July

Infant Reserve Sports Day at 1.15pm

Tuesday 8th July

Junior Sports Day at 1.30pm

Wednesday 9th July

Reception Windmill Farm Trip

Thursday 10th July

Junior Reserve Sports Day at 1.30pm

Monday 14th July

Y6 Leavers’ Disco at 6.00pm to 7.45pm

Thursday 17th July

Y6 Leavers’ Assembly at 1.15pm

Friday 18th July

School closes for Summer Break at the normal time


NB: *Diary dates are subject to change


Yours sincerely,


Mrs J. Westhead




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