Our Curriculum
Lowton West Primary School Curriculum Intent Statement
Aiming High Together
At Lowton West Primary School, pupils’ learning and personal development is at the heart of the curriculum, where pupils are provided with opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. Importance is placed upon developing transferrable skills, meaning our pupils become lifelong learners. The curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, providing a clear progression of skills where deeper knowledge and connections are nurtured and links are made between concepts and skills. We plan enhancement opportunities to engage learning, in the classroom, our school garden and beyond. This is also supported by a wide range of extra-curricular activities which also enrich the opportunities for our children.
The curriculum reflects our school’s vision: to inspire, achieve and succeed. We will aim high and build dreams and futures together.
Curriculum intent:
Our curriculum will enable children to become well educated, confident, articulate and independent learners. It will develop children’s skills, knowledge and attitudes to lead rich and fulfilling lives. Our curriculum responds to change, as well as recognising our local history, community and traditions, it explores how our community and the world around us is evolving. It seeks to provide challenges that are not only academic, but also cultural, social, artistic and physical which provide children with experiences they would not otherwise get.
In order to achieve this, we will ensure that:
- the curriculum is flexible and responsive to the needs of individuals, groups and cohorts within school, ensuring all individuals achieve their potential.
- pupils are challenged in their schooling; learning from mistakes, developing resilience and celebrating successes.
- our curriculum is empowering, enabling pupils to develop their interpersonal skills, creativity and independence.
- planning focuses on high quality and engaging texts to enrich, excite and engage our pupils.
- the curriculum is delivered through a variety of methods that are both classroom-based and extra-curricular activities that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem.
- the curriculum develops a set of core values which underpins children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- the curriculum recognises the whole child and their personal development, recognising and responding to identified barriers to learning and supporting their mental health and emotional well-being.
The Lowton West Primary School curriculum is implemented through the delivery of:
• the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
• the Core National Curriculum subjects and specific foundation subjects (Computing, Physical Education, Music and Foreign Language)
• cross curricular topics which combine History, Geography, Art and Design, and Design Technology where appropriate
• Religious Education, following the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus
• Relations Education and Health Education, following the Jigsaw Scheme of Work
• Physical Education is delivered by class teachers and Specialist Sports Coaches, providing inclusive opportunities for pupils to participate in Intra-School competitions, Local Inter-School Competitions and National and County level competitions.
• outdoor learning linked to work across the curriculum
• an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities which includes creative and physical opportunities
We also strive to develop and uphold British Values.
The five British values that the Government has identified for schools to focus on are: -
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Developing personal and social responsibility
- Respect for British Institutions
Implementing our curriculum
Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based and external exhibitions, performances, competitions and events involving other schools. Developing their independence and motivation as learners and their sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning. The curriculum will equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Our school curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 but is personalised to meet the experiences and needs of our pupils. We promote equal opportunities to all of our pupils in line with the Equality Act 2010 throughout our practices.
How the school intends to deliver the curriculum throughout the school
Classroom-based learning: Our staff value the different ways in which pupils learn and plan lessons to account for these differences. We encourage teachers to make cross-curricular links where possible within their lesson plans, so that pupils can draw upon knowledge from different subjects and understand how each topic plays a part in everyday life.
Teachers use different learning resources to teach core content, e.g. educational videos, artefacts, high quality texts and resources, visitors to school, the use of themed days, weeks and special events and ICT lessons. By using different techniques, we intend on keeping pupils engaged with learning and accommodate pupils who learn differently to their peers.
The school carries out one-to-one or small group teaching and intervention sessions for pupils who require additional support. Parents can request this, but the school prioritises pupils who need the most help. Within these interventions, staff may breakdown the content of the lesson in a more digestible way for pupils, working on smaller measurable steps of progress. Interventions are also used to revisit and overlearn key concepts. This allows pupils to receive dedicated time, ensuring any questions that pupils may have get answered in a way they understand. It is important to note that these interventions supplement the work of the teacher and do not replace it.
Outdoor learning: Our Geography and History curriculum ensures that our pupils have a deep understanding of our local history and geography, with an emphasis on the local area. The school grounds have been developed so they can enrich different curriculum areas. Our Science curriculum includes links to active learning in the school grounds and school garden. The curriculum includes first-hand experience where possible, with carefully planned visits linked to the topic work covered across each year group and also incorporate non-negotiables that we believe all pupils should experience during their Primary Education, such as a visit to a farm or zoo, an art gallery or museum, the theatre and a stately home or castle. In addition, all pupils have the opportunity to attend an adventure based residential visit in Year 6. Through a combination of learning techniques, we aim to ensure pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school.
Extra-curricular activities: We provide a variety of extra-curricular activities for pupils that enhance their learning experience. The activities range from after-school clubs, to educational trips and visits – extra-curricular activities are provided each term, with opportunities for all year groups delivered throughout the year. Extra-curricular activities are designed to enhance pupils’ learning experience, form personal connections between pupils and their peers, build teamwork, promote personal skills such as respect and resilience, teaching skills essential for life after school.
How the school involves parents, carers, pupils and the local community in curriculum planning and delivery
Our school values the input of its pupils, parents/ carers and the local community with regards to the planning and delivery of the curriculum. We believe pupils receive a well-rounded education if everyone is involved in shaping it. Pupils’ and parents’ questionnaires are conducted throughout the year and regular evaluation forms are completed by pupils and parents/carers to review and respond to the views of our school community. These questionnaires ask questions about factors such as what pupils enjoy about learning and lessons, what they find challenging, what they would like to learn more about and whether they feel well informed on attainment.
We engage with the wider community by ensuring there are opportunities for pupils to participate in community projects, e.g. school choir performances and supporting local charities, such as the local Food Banks and The Brick project. Working with our local community establishes a link between the theories pupils learn in the classroom to practical examples in real life.
Impact of the curriculum:
The impact of Lowton West’s curriculum is measured by the outcomes both academic and personal development for all pupils. The impact is apparent in the smooth transition between each phase of school when pupils move smoothly between phases and year groups. The curriculum is intended to ensure pupils develop an enthusiasm for school, enjoy working hard and strive to do their best.