Year 4 Stockport Museum Trip
Year 4 Trip – Stockport Air Raid Shelters
Year 4 brought their topic on the Second World War to life when they became evacuees for the day. At Stockport Museum, they were fully immersed into life during World War 2 – everything from ‘Make Do and Mend’ to acting as an ARP warden during an air raid.
Visiting the air raid shelters showed the children what life was like in the underground shelters. The children made the Year 4 staff extremely proud both with their behaviour (which was absolutely fantastic throughout the day) and the way they shared the knowledge which they had gained throughout the topic in school.
They also looked amazing in their costumes.
Thank you to Mrs Rimmer-Phillips and Mr Copley for organising this event.
Also, thank you to all of the parents for their help with providing the outfits.
Well done, Year 4!