Odd Socks Week
Anti- Bullying Week 2019
Over the last two weeks, all children in KS1 and KS2 have participated in various activities for our annual Anti-Bullying Week. Anti-Bullying Week is a way of raising awareness about bullying. It is a week during which children learn about what bullying is and how to deal with it. The theme this year is Change starts with us. The children have been taking part in lessons throughout school and have finished by taking part in Odd Socks Day. The House Captains led a whole school assembly today to talk about the importance of Anti-Bullying Week, explaining how we can look after each other and continue to make sure that our school is a place of respect. Thank you to the House Captains for their fantastic assembly and Miss Green for organising this. Thank you to all the children for wearing their odd socks and supporting this event. Your socks were amazing!