Home Learning
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Online Safety during Home Learning
Please be extra vigilant when your child is using devices and online content at home. Ensure there is appropriate adult supervision or an adult nearby when your child is online and follow the guidance found in the ‘Online Safety Parent’s Guide to Remote Learning’ in our Online Safety Section of the school website. Here, you will also find other guidance on parental controls and social media safety.
September 2020
Supporting your child during Home Learning
Dear Parents and Carers,
From September onwards, individuals or groups of children may need to self-isolate or school may experience a local lockdown. School have therefore developed a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for each year group which will allow the children who are not in school to follow the school curriculum at home.
In the event of your child having to isolate and access home learning:
- Work will be uploaded onto the Seesaw learning platform for your child to access.
- Your child’s Seesaw user name and password details have already been sent home (and should be kept in a safe place at home).
- If your child does not have access to the Internet or Seesaw learning platform, a paper pack will be available and will either be sent home with your child/ available for collection (if possible). If collection is not possible, please inform school and we will arrange for the paper pack to be delivered to your home address.
- Activities will continue to be uploaded to Seesaw whilst your child is at home. You can access the Seesaw App by visiting ‘web.seesaw.me’ or simply click the link above.
In addition to this there is a suggested timetable of daily activities below:
- Number recognition – which numbers can your child recognise at home?
- Counting – can they count up to 10 and show 1 finger for each number they say?
- Count a group of objects – fruit, toys, shoes, plates etc.
- Count how many stairs they climb to bed.
- Count how many claps/stamps/jumps.
- Matching – can they match a number to the group of objects they have counted?
- Writing – can your child write their numbers 0-5? 0-10?
- Can your child write their name or practise copying their name? Do they recognise their name if you make it using magnetic letters? Can they make their name using magnetic letters?
- Nursery rhymes – recite nursery rhymes together or join in with them on BBC School Radio Nursery Rhymes.
- Visit Phonics Play website and play some of the games for Phase 1 – Smoothie Maker (initial sounds) and Cake Bake (rhyming words). https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
- Read with your child every day and talk about the story together. Discuss the front cover, the title of the book, what has happened in the story, what might happen at the end, who the characters are, where the story took place. Did your child enjoy the story? Why?
The Reading Oxford Owl website is currently free for e-books if you would like any additional reading material. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
- Find objects around the house and say what sound they begin with – tttt television, aaa apple, kkk key.
- Play I Spy or go on a Treasure Hunt – something beginning with …
- PSHE: 10 minutes Mindfulness- talking about your feelings, worries, how to keep safe, friends and belonging to groups (eg. families, class, school, clubs)
- Daily Fine Motor Skills and Handwriting activities – trace, copy and complete fine motor skills activities and letter/ number formation tasks
- Physical activity breaks – physical activities to get your body moving from skipping, star jumps, jogging, dancing, ball skills and many more.
If you require any further support, please do not hesitate to contact school via email.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Mrs Bartolini-Bradley, Mrs Falconer and Mrs Hough