Home Learning
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Online Safety during Home Learning
Please be extra vigilant when your child is using devices and online content at home. Ensure there is appropriate adult supervision or an adult nearby when your child is online and follow the guidance found in the ‘Online Safety Parent’s Guide to Remote Learning’ in our Online Safety Section of the school website. Here, you will also find other guidance on parental controls and social media safety.
September 2020
Supporting your child during Home Learning in Year Four
Dear Parents and Carers,
From September onwards, individuals or groups of children may need to self-isolate or school may experience a local lockdown. School have therefore developed a ‘Home Learning Plan’ for each year group which will allow the children who are not in school to follow the school curriculum at home.
In the event of your child having to isolate and access home learning:
- Work will be uploaded onto the Seesaw learning platform for your child to access.
- Your child’s Seesaw user name and password details have already been sent home (and should be kept in a safe place at home).
- If your child does not have access to the Internet or Seesaw learning platform, a paper pack will be available and will either be sent home with your child/ available for collection (if possible). If collection is not possible, please inform school and we will arrange for the paper pack to be delivered to your home address.
- Activities will continue to be uploaded to Seesaw whilst your child is at home. You can access the Seesaw App by visiting ‘web.seesaw.me’ or simply click on the link above.
In addition to this there is a suggested timetable of daily activities below:
- 20 minutes reading – record your read in your planner.
Encourage your child to read aloud to improve their reading fluency and expression. Ask your child to sound out unfamiliar words using their phonics knowledge. Take time to discuss the book together, asking questions such as eg. Who is the main character? How is this character feeling? How do you know? Can you predict what might happen next in the story? Where is the story set? What is the mood and atmosphere like? How does the story make you feel? Why? What did you like about the story, why?
- Access the First News Website – complete a daily reading comprehension activity. Visit the Class Home Learning Page on the school website and click on the First News link. Sign in using the school tab. (ihub.firstnews.co.uk)
- 20 minutes on Spelling Shed – practise spelling Year 3/4 Common Exception Words online
- Play games to practise Common Exception Words – create your own games such as matching pairs, treasure hunts, tracing letters. Common Exception Word lists are available on the Class Home Learning Page on the school website.
- 20 minutes on Times Tables Rockstars - can you beat your score and improve your status? Focus on times tables in the following order: 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 7, 11 and 12
- Maths - practical activities and real life problems around the home linked to measures, money, fractions and time.
- Further Maths activities:
(1) Practise counting on from any number in 10s, 100s and 1000s up to any 4-digit number.
(2) Practise making numbers (of up to 4-digits) 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, 100 less, 100 more and 1000 less. You can make your own digit cards to make different numbers.
- PSHE: 10 minutes Mindfulness - talking about your feelings, worries, how to keep safe, friends and belonging to groups (eg. families, class, school, clubs)
- Daily Handwriting practice - cursive letter formation
- Physical activity breaks – physical activities to get your body moving from skipping, star jumps, jogging, dancing, ball skills and many more.
Any passwords required for online learning activities can be found in the back of your child’s school planner.
If you require any further support, please do not hesitate to contact school via email.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Rimmer-Phillips and Mr Copley